Is DEP MeshWorks a CAE pre-processor?
Yes, but much more than that.
MeshWorks allow you to set up your simulation model, mesh it and make it fully parametric. Also, thanks to the patented morphing technology, the user has a wide number of tools for CAD/CAE morphing as well as the concept modeling tools called ConceptWorks
Does DEP MeshWorks have a solver included?
No, DEP MeshWorks works with the main commercial FEA/CFD solvers.
You can find the complete list on the page Model Building
Is DEP MeshWorks compatible in both Windows and Linux environment?
Yes, you can use the platform you need.
Is it possible to clean up geometry for meshing?
CAD clean tools are available and also, DEP MeshWorks is a templatized based mesher, that means that it does the CAD clean up automatically before meshing
Does DEP MeshWorks recognize fillets, bolts, holes for applying custom mesh controls?
Yes, CAD Feature Identification Tool is avaialble to identify and distinguish into different components, For Meshing, Mesh controls can be applied based on the CAD features such as holes, fillets, tube, etc.
Does DEP MeshWorks allow to replace 3D components & mesh them?
Yes, CAD Feature Identification Tool is avaialble to identify and distigunish into different components, giving the possibility to replace one Updated CAD and mesh in a large assembly
For Meshing, Mesh controls can be applied based on the CAD features such as holes, fillets, tube, etc
Is it possible to add ribs and create patterns for ribs/holes in DEP MeshWorks?
Yes, MeshWorks has automatic part replacement tools.
Also, MeshWorks has the Auto Shell Rib and Solid RIb creating and parametric tools allowing to perform iterations by adding ribs/holes